
Silviculture Apprenticeship Qualification Review

We have set the conditions for the development of a New Zealand Apprenticeship in Forest Silviculture Operations by Te Pūkenga.

Muka Tangata has now set the conditions for the development of a New Zealand Apprenticeship (NZA) in Forest Silviculture Operations (Level 4) by Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Limited (WBL). Any programmes or NZA which lead to Forestry qualifications are required to be reviewed by Muka Tangata for endorsement prior to submission to New Zealand Qualifications Authority. The development of learning and assessment resources would also be the responsibility of Te Pūkenga WBL, with Muka Tangata responsible for pre-assessment moderation for all assessments.

To make this apprenticeship opportunity possible, we undertook consultation with forestry partners to discuss the necessary changes required to the Level 4 Forestry qualification – 2330 New Zealand Certificate in Forest Industry Operations (Planning and Monitoring) – Silviculture Strand to support technological advancements in the industry.

We have identified, proposed, and worked with forestry Subject Matter Experts (SME) to review Unit Standard 1224 Use prescription maps for forestry operations (Level 3, 5 credits), the unit standard directly impacted by technological advancements, and it was determined that an increase to a Level 4, 10 credits standard was necessary. The increase is supported by the addition of two new Graduate Profile Outcomes (GPO) that reflect changes and challenges of electronic prescription mapping in forestry. In turn, a change of the qualification credit value from 55 to 60 credits was warranted.

Muka Tangata will provide support to Te Pūkenga WBL on this work, but all aspects of resource development, including timeframes or input from SME, are outside the remit of the WDC.

For more information contact Melissa Lee Smith,  [email protected].